Design + Collaboration
Graduate project at UQÀM, l'École de design, DESS en design d'événements

Create an event for La Nuit Blanche festival in Montréal, 2014. 
Project team: Thomas Combes, Ying Fang, Christine Kerrigan, Maëve Lonni

We proposed a concept for an outdoor cycle café for the Nuit Blanche festival in Montréal. The idea is for people to make their own coffee and exercise in the process (i.e. fish out the coffee bean, pedal on bikes to grind the grains, etc.). We wanted to create a fun way for the general public to warm themselves up and socialize during what is generally a frigid time of year in Montréal. We set up shop for an afternoon in a high traffic area in UQÀM (Université du Québec à Montréal) to prototype the concept with a hand-crank coffee mill. We received a very enthusiastic response!
We took some footage during our prototype phase in a high traffic area in one of the UQÀM buildings.  We used a hand-crank coffee mill, but explained to people that in reality, they'd be pedaling a bike to grind the coffee grains. We received a very enthusiastic response!
A Cycle Café

A Cycle Café

A cycle café concept for the Nuit Blanche festival in Montréal. Proposed in 2014 as part of a graduate design class at UQÀM (Université du Québec Read More
