Saving Street cats 
It's always a pleasure when I am invited to LovePawz Animal Rescue in Bulgaria 
Cats also entered Bulgarian folklore. The precise moment has been lost in time,
Free-ranging cats flourish in rural villages and small towns where they benefit from the abundance of gardens, rodents and dinner scraps.
The masters of the fine art of seducing humans
Way back in time, big cats roamed what is now Bulgaria. Cave-dwelling sabre-toothed tigers terrorised the palaeolithic hunter gatherers and Balkan lions roamed the mountains. Both species were hunted to extinction,
20th century in Europe, cats became pets, but while many were lucky to have a caring family to provide them with food and shelter in exchange for purring and being cute, many Left out in the cold.
Street cats have fewer chances of social success than cats that are purebred pets. However, when theydo get a home they are filled with love 
This little dude enjoyed himself 
Animal Rescue Bulgaria


Animal Rescue Bulgaria
