For one of my courses, I participated in developing print advertisements for Coors. Our focus was on reaching the target demographic of blue-collar men. To achieve this, my group devised a strategy centered around crafting humorous ads that emphasized Coors as the quintessential beer choice. Our overarching concept boiled down to the straightforward message, "it's just a beer." My specific role involved creating visual elements that stayed faithful to Coors' brand identity while effectively communicating our central theme.
In our campaign, we aimed to resonate with blue-collar men by infusing humor into our advertisements and positioning Coors as the ultimate beer option. Our approach centered on the uncomplicated notion that Coors is simply the best beer choice. As part of the team, my responsibility was to design visuals that not only stayed true to Coors' established branding but also reinforced our campaign's core message of simplicity and superiority in the realm of beer.
Coors Print Ads

Coors Print Ads


Creative Fields