Extensive cattle ranching is an issue that has had a negative impact on several ecosystems, deforestation has been the cause of the death of species and is environmentally damaging to nations all around the globe. In the oriental plains of Colombia, more specifically in the forests of the Guaviare department; a land that once was known for its thick and abundant vegetation, its biodiversity and being the home of exotic species such as the jaguars, now has turned into meadows as a result of massive deforestation caused by cattle ranchers. The flatlands of this part of Colombia are ideal for extensive cattle ranching, which has become the most prosperous economic activity in the region. As there is no control from environmental authorities, farmers extend their plots by cutting down trees indiscriminately. This activity has forced jaguars to hunt the cattle in order to feed themselves; ranchers have to defend themselves and the cattle by killing jaguars. This puts at risk the existence of the jaguar species, speeding up its extinction. But, is there a solution to this issue? Is there a future where cattle ranchers continue their economic activity without massive deforestation, having a negative impact on species? The answer lies in a silvopasture system: the integration of trees, forage, and the grazing of domesticated animals in a mutually beneficial way. To transition from extensive livestock farming and deforestation to a silvopastoral livestock system and reforestation, this is where WILDCO comes into play. WILDCO is a tower system that provides services for livestock, such as water storage, and also serves as temporary housing for forest rangers while housing a range of technological innovations to monitor jaguar activity and deforestation in the region using biomimetic inspiration. Wildco uses biomimicry in several elements. For thin, tall structures, the human spine uses a central element that supports modular units (vertebrae) and withstands axial forces. To keep track of deforestation, Wildco provides an element inspired by the shape of bats ears, two truncated cones joined together, improving acoustic properties that amplify the sound of chainsaws. The aerodynamic morphology of maple seed speeds up wind helping in the pollination process. Spiderwebs cross-linked and parallel silk helps capture and direct rainwater, which can provide drinkable water in the middle of the forest.

