Portraits of friends created on an iPhone using a combination of the Adobe Photoshop Touch app and VSCO.
Futura 2000 - Futura on Wikipedia
Eric, Chicago, IL
Rusty Zylstra, Grand Rapids, MI - Mercysupply.com
Ishmael, dog of Rusty Zylstra - Mercysupply.com
Carson Davis Brown - Carsondavisbrown.com
Justin Albrecht, Esquire Barbershop Chicago - Barberjustin
David Allen, Pioneer Tattoo Chicago - Allentattoo.com
Ryan Knapp, Madcap Coffee Grand Rapids, MI - Madcapcoffee.com
Eric, Chicago, IL
iPhone Portraits

iPhone Portraits

Portraits I create of friends using only an iPhone and apps like Photoshop Touch and VSCO
