Sophie Wilson's profile

fright of the bumblebee

this publication design was a really fun project to work on in my first semester of my design diploma! we had to choose a phobia, and create a 4-page editorial spread designed with only imagery, illustrations and assets that we created or captured ourselves - ensuring we considered our phobia choices according to what assets we could reasonably acquire

working on the bee illustration - 2B pencil on paper - was my favourite part of creating this piece!

*** no bees were harmed in the making of this editorial ***

the mockup image by '', sourced on Freepik

✨ 🍓 🐝 🍓 ✨

*image description:*
 a mockup of a book laying open on a soft pink, semi-shadowed background. The pages of the book are a cream colour, the title of the publication at the top of the page has the word "flight" crossed out on a slight angle, followed by "fright of the bumblebee". The left page has a hand drawn illustration of a bee filling most of the page, with the following quote beneath it: “Assumptions that all bees sting, that all are “out to get us” and are naturally aggressive - are untrue, and work to build deeper irrational fears of our friends; the humble, hard-working bees.” The right page has a small scan of a bee beside the heading, and a cropped, cut out image of a honey bee facing away from the camera, with its wings raised behind it. This text is centred near the top of the page, "‘Melissophobia’ – Greek “melissa” means “honeybee” – and ‘Apiphobia’ are both terms for a fear, or phobia of bees. But what is the cause? Here, we are going to discuss the causes and tips for how to overcome apiphobia."
fright of the bumblebee

fright of the bumblebee
