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Handout Leaflet Design

The brief was to create a two sided A5 leaflet design, in the style of a warning sign, that would be handed out at an industry event. The client was planning to staple a small bag of sweets to the front of the leaflet and it needed to contain the text, "Emergency credit control checklist". If possible, the company logo and url was to be included on the front as well. The back of the leaflet should be blank, within the warning sign, so that the client could add their own copy and a QR code to a related website.
Final Leaflet Design (including mock up of QR code)
For the design, I picked up a multipack of haribo sweets (for research purposes of course) to check the dimensions and see what area I had to play with. I incorporated a dashed line into the design to show where the bag should go. The client had the idea of using this area for the QR code, since it would be dead space once the sweets were removed.
The company logo contained yellow, so I went with that shade for the background of the warning sign design. I used Impact for the text, because it worked well in the context of a warning sign and it was also a font that the client would have access to, for doing their copy on the back of the leaflet. 
The majority of the design was done in illustrator, apart from the texturing on the edges, which was done in photoshop. This texture was flipped for the reverse of the leaflet so it would look natural when it was turned over.The project was delivered as a PSD with additional layers for the client to add their copy and QR code.
Handout Leaflet Design

Handout Leaflet Design

An A5 leaflet in the style of a warning sign, to be handed out at an industry event.
