Berk Erdag's profile

Tornado vs House REMASTERED

A lot of people gave me feedback and ideas for my Tornado effect that I made 4 months ago. I had the time to take a look and fix all of them. In my opinion it looks way better than the previous one.

There is now a falloff force around the tornado so little pieces get sucked in before the tornado touches the house. This was the biggest issue with the scene and fixing it made everything much better.

The tree was too robust. Now the tree model is changed and it loses some branches and a lot of the leaves.

Added camera shake at the end.

Now there aren't any pieces that stick together too much and feel too strong.

The tree was a wire simulation, but now I tried a vellum sim and it worked nice in my opinion

I also increased the overall simulation quality of the tornado (lower voxel size), adjusted some of the huge particle sizes at the end of the clip, added an overall dusty overlay effect. In addition increased the number of debris and lowered their sizes, added one more debris layer that has more friction with the ground. Adjusted a few lighting changes, increased wind particle counts and the debris that rotates around the tornado. The grass felt a bit plasticy to me so adjusted them and made a higher quality vellum sim for them.

Tornado vs House REMASTERED

Tornado vs House REMASTERED
