Bret Thomas's profile

OFD Recruitment Campaign

Bret Thomas - Art Director
Andrés Tejada - Lead Designer
Pj Cybulski - Photography

The Orlando Fire Department approached our team to assist them in their efforts to recruit candidates who would better reflect the diverse makeup of our community. Our goal was to leverage actual OFD firefighters as the faces of the campaign, encouraging individuals to envision themselves as part of the fire service.

To ensure the success of this project, we meticulously organized multiple photo shoot dates, taking into account the busy schedules of our firefighter models. Strategic planning and foresight played a pivotal role in the photography phase, as we aimed to capture images that would require minimal post-production work to seamlessly blend various outfits together.

Our objective was to provide the Orlando Fire Department with a wide array of visual assets, tailored to different media formats. This versatility allowed them to effectively connect with their target demographic across various platforms, whether it be billboards, vehicle wraps, convention displays, or digital and print media.

This comprehensive campaign was meticulously crafted to resonate with the diverse audiences the Orlando Fire Department aimed to reach, and it spanned across a multitude of advertising channels.

OFD Recruitment Campaign


OFD Recruitment Campaign

City of Orlando
