The ring is blue to match with the blue accents of the uniform creating a sense of unity within the photo. The blue of the ring also creates a sense of calm within the energetic environment with the balls havering in the background and foreground. The balls create a visual interest, the model and the blue ring are the first things seen as they are the brightest and stand out the most from the darker background. In a sporting context this can relate to how life can get busy sometimes but if you focus on the things you love it can make it easier 
The focus in this image is the balancing rocks with the sunset in the background to add visual interest and pop of colour into the image when placed against the dull colours of the rocks. The rocks are balanced to display how we need balance in life, with the biggest rock at the bottom being the big things in life, the most important tasks or goals, and the smaller rocks being the smaller goals. The big things in life always must come first otherwise it makes it very hard to balance all that is going on in life. 
Wellbeing Images

Wellbeing Images
