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未來設計師 : 日本現代設計方法和態度 Designers of the Future



監修 / 室賀 清徳 ,   編者 / 西山萌、グラフィック社編集部
出版 / 桑格設計書店 ,   譯者 / 劉京偉 ,   封面設計 / 朱俊達 Chun-Ta Chu ,   攝影 / 58KG

〈第I 章〉 平野正子、八木幣二郎、岡﨑真理子、石塚俊、小池アイ子、村松佳樹、米山菜津子、大田拓未、
脇田あすか、小酒井祥悟(Siun)、福岡南央子、「power/point」展〈 第 II 章〉 ボールデザイン、相島大地、山本浩貴+h、
座談會:平山みな美 × 惣田紗 × 岡あゆみ
〈 第 III 章〉 大澤悠大、藤田裕美、高良真剣、浦川彰太、牧寿次郎、美山有、鈴木哲生、加納大輔、牧野正幸、へきち、村尾雄太、
對談:佐々木俊× 加瀬透

To capture the diverse design approaches and attitudes explored in this book, we have transformed the 40 designers featured into various geometric circles. These circles, resembling clouds, pile up and collide, symbolizing the designers' thoughts and ideas. A red circle serves as a visual cue, intuitively linking the impression of "Japan" to Japanese designers. Collectively, these elements represent the myriad thoughts and actions of countless Japanese designers, interacting, colliding, merging, and revealing themselves throughout the book.


In the design process of translating abstract concepts, we sought to create intuitive connections and imaginings without sacrificing aesthetic appeal. At the same time, we aim to pique readers' curiosity and attention. Therefore, the metaphor "Descending Tiger" is employed as a hidden symbol, representing the ever-changing and challenging jungle that the design community must navigate. We encourage everyone to learn from this book, drawing nourishment from the works and experiences it contains, so that you may become a "Descending Tiger"—a skilled or mature designer. Through this book, you'll gain insights that better prepare you for the field.The book's title references the concepts of "now" and "future," symbolized by the changing phases of the crescent moon to represent the passage and transformation of time. This is also visually manifested in the tiger's stripes.

For the book cover, we chose IORI bamboo-weave paper from Takeo Paper Industries. Its texture is inspired by the "earthen walls" found in traditional Japanese architecture, made by interweaving straw and clay fibers. This subtly complements the book's theme of Japanese design. Printing is done in monochrome black, special red, and ultra-bright silver. Additional layering on 3D reflective surfaces in black and silver enhances the effect of the super white coated paper. This combination results in evenly saturated ink that, along with the paper's unique texture, lends modern vitality to the visuals while also adding a layer of humanistic depth.



書衣 / 恆成 蒝織紙 超白 151 g/m ,  書腰 / 峻揚 美階晶彩 140 g/m ,  書封 / 峻揚 原儷卡 250 g/m ,  內頁 / 恆成 日標HUWA HUWA 105 g/m

 2024 CA美國傳達藝術年度獎 設計類-入圍   Communication Arts 2024 Design Competition - finalists

未來設計師 : 日本現代設計方法和態度 Designers of the Future


未來設計師 : 日本現代設計方法和態度 Designers of the Future
