Anne Boeckh's profile

Behind the scenes

Me and Anderson Cooper. He was shooting his show in Tampa and I was so fortunate to work with him.... yes, he is incredibly nice.
A shot for Lindsey Philip SWITCHFLOPS Catalog. I was so glad when the model got on solid ground.
Shooting with Lindsey Philips for one of her catalogs. She is as lovely to work with as she is to look at!
RNC - This was for Entertainment Tonight as the host interviewed the Romney sons. They were all very nice. 
Getting this little red card was quite a feat!! Security surrounding the RNC was incredible, and it was a great experience to see that type of event from the inside. 
One of the perks of the job are fully catered meals. It its a long shoot day we will get breakfast, lunch and dinner. Best part? No dishes to clean!!
Coldeeze. Wardrobe and Makeup working in a very cramped plane.... 
You know it is a fun shoot when the client, Ted Karkus (CEO of Coldeeze), decides to take over the camera! Ted is a fun client, who keeps us all on our toes!!
Coldeeze... Michelle and I sharing a "moment" during her dance scene!
Shooting part of the Coldeeze commerical on a bus. 
Me and Seth, on the set of Coldeeze (in studio)
I absolutely love the people I work with, so much that I will bake them a birthday cake from scratch! That's right, this cake is NOT from a mix....
The Coldeeze crew! We work together so much that we are like family! Great people!
Publix packaging, photography by Dave Spataro
I cannot remember what this shoot was for...... if it comes to me I will edit, until then make something up!!
Shamu TV 
Shamu TV
Publix - Back to school "in store" banners. photography by Dave Spataro
Wardrobe, Makeup & Talent on the set of one of the Coldeeze commericals. 
Me and Adam Richman, he was shooting an interview/promo for RedStag. 
Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes on the many projects I've worked on.
