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Fly Boarding in Goa: Beginner's Handbook

Flyboard your way into a realm of thrill, where you let go of all those worries and soar high! And here is your companion for this fantastic adventure.

Goa is a place that tourists all around the world often flock to for its stunning beaches vibrant nightlife and water adventures. This coastal paradise has one such heart-pounding experience that has taken the watersport scene by storm, flyboarding. Just imagine soaring above the turquoise waters, propelled by high-powered water jets, a blend of water and air dancing beneath your feet. As a beginner stepping into this adventurous world might be a bit confusing. But cheer up, this handbook shall extinguish all those doubts in you and prep you for the exhilarating journey of Fly Boarding in Goa

What is Flyboarding all about?

Flyboarding is a thrilling watersport that blends elements of water, air, and sheer excitement. The concept behind this revolves around a board equipped with water jet thrusters, creating an experience somewhat similar to levitating above the water's surface. The propulsion is controlled by a trained instructor, allowing you to rise to various heights, dive beneath the waves, and even execute dazzling aerial tricks. The sensation that comes with this is unparalleled, as you become one with the elements, defying gravity and feeling the rush of adrenaline like never before.
Things you need to remember for Flyboarding in Goa
As a beginner, before embarking on this amazing adventure of flying board in Goa, there are a few things that you need to remember.

1. Health comes first!

Flyboarding is surely an exhilarating activity, but it can be physically demanding therefore those who have a history of asthma, high blood pressure, sinus problems, or those who have had a heart attack at any point in their lives are not allowed to participate in this sport. Before strapping on your flyboard, consult a medical professional to ensure you are fit for the adventure. 

2. What To Wear

Remember to wear a T-shirt, shorts or any other loose and comfortable clothing and do not forget to bring along sunscreen to shield your skin from the sun's rays. 

3. Age Requirements

Anyone from the age of 16 years and above can participate in this thrilling sport.

4. Duration of the sport

A single session of flyboarding allows you about 10-15 minutes of soaring above the Panjim and Chapora Rivers. So cherish those moments and create some fun memories above the waves.

 5. Mental Preparedness

To Fly board in Goa can be both thrilling and daunting, especially for beginners. Keep an open mind, be prepared to listen closely to your instructor's guidance, and embrace the experience with a positive attitude.

The Flyboarding in Goa Experience!

As a beginner, your first flyboarding experience is a mixture of excitement, trepidation, and awe. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what to anticipate:

1. Training is the key!

Your adventure commences with a thorough briefing by a certified instructor. They will explain to you about the equipment, safety protocols, and basic techniques. Pay close attention to what is said and ensure that you leave no room for doubts, get them all cleared!

2. Gearing Up

Now that you've got an idea of how to proceed with things, it's time to gear up. The instructor will guide you through wearing the flyboard boots, which are attached to the board and connected to the water jet system.

3. Practice makes it perfect! 

Before taking to the skies, you'll start in the water. Familiarise yourself with the sensation of the water jets propelling you upwards. Practice maintaining balance and stability while the instructor provides guidance.

4. And Off You Go

As you gain confidence in the water, the instructor will gradually increase the water jet's power, lifting you above the water's surface. The feeling is unparalleled, it's as if you've suddenly got wings to fly, a blend of excitement, wonder, and a touch of nerves.

5. Basic Manoeuvres

Initially, your focus must be on maintaining balance and stability. But as you become accustomed to the flyboard's movements, the instructor will guide you through basic manoeuvres, such as controlling altitude, steering, and gentle turns.
6. Soaring the Heights

With practice, you'll ascend to greater heights. This flyboard Goa experience can take you up to a height of about 30 feet above sea level. This fantastic sensation of hovering above the water, the wind rushing past, and the spectacular view will leave an indelible imprint on your memory.

Flyboarding With No Compromise On Safety!

While flyboarding is a thrilling adventure, safety should always remain our paramount concern.

Be all ears to your instructor's guidance and adhere to their instructions. They possess the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure your safety. Wearing the provided safety gear, including a life jacket is of course, non-negotiable. These items are designed to protect you in case of falls or mishaps. And as a beginner, it's also essential to recognize your limits. Avoid attempting advanced manoeuvres without proper training, as this could result in injury. Great things take time in life and so practice to make them perfect. It's also good to familiarise yourself with emergency procedures before starting. Know how to detach from the flyboard in case of emergencies.

And now the big question, how much does it cost to flyboard in Goa?

At Universal Adventures, you shall find the most budget-friendly flyboarding packages that will brighten up your lives. Hop on to flyboard Goa price in Panajim starting from INR 2999, one of the most affordable packages that would open the doors to a realm of pure fun and adventure. You shall also find another affordable package for flyboarding in Chapora too!

It's Time To Flyboard Goa!

The flyboarding in Goa is an experience that leaves an imprint on your spirit, a reminder that stepping out of your comfort zone leads to remarkable discoveries. In the realm of watersports, flyboarding reigns like a king that beckons adventurers to embrace the unknown, conquer the waters, and touch the skies. So, with no more time to lose, get ready to strap on a flyboard and let the waves carry you to heights you've only dreamed of!

Fly Boarding in Goa: Beginner's Handbook

Fly Boarding in Goa: Beginner's Handbook


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