Alifya Nisa's profile

IS IT WORTH TO SOUP? #oneperday2023

week 4 | DVB102
The environmental cause that is chosen to persuade others is about depleting natural resources, specifically sharks. I wanted to tell the viewer about sharks being hunted for its fins and make soup out of it that is not worthy enough to consume. Sharks are one of the predators that are important to maintain the cycle of the food chain. So, here I wanted to convey that. The target audience that i chose is for young adults.
Process and Reflection: At first the idea comes from the soup part, so it is going to be the highlight/emphasize and I wanted the viewer to know that it came from a shark, so I tried to make the soup have a fin and a shark body that have been cut to come out of the soup. I added blood to make it an even more dangerous and cruel thing to do. After that, I came up with the phrase “is it worth to soup?” from researching about the soup taste that is not that strong, in fact it uses pork to elevate the taste. 
Technique: The technique that I'm using here is hatching to show different colors and the darker part is using a cross hatching technique.
Process and Reflection: the idea comes from highlighting the soup. The soup content is finless shark, but the human behind happily eats it. I wanted to make the smile creepy, so I overly lined the smile into the eyes. Showing that humans are cruel beings that eat sharks' fin only and throw its body in the ocean just laying around until it rots. The phrase that I came up with is “don't slurp the soup” which has the direct meaning to not eat shark soup.
Technique: The technique that I'm using here is hatching to show different colors and the darker part is using a cross hatching technique. But here I wanted to show depth by erasing some parts so that it does not pop, kind of like making it as a subtle background and the emphasis is something that is thick.
The idea highlighting humans that consume sharks. Here I wanted the human to eat the shark but I drew it as if the shark was swimming inside of the human mouth scared. Which in fact will swim inside of the human stomach after they are consumed. The words that i came up with is “preydator” which are an oxymoron that confuses people who is the real predator here? Humans or sharks. Based on my research, sharks are hunted because it is dangerous to humans but in fact is the other way around.
Technique: The technique that I'm using here is hatching to show different colors and the darker part is using a cross hatching technique.
Reason and Reflection: I actually have a hard time deciding between the first sketch and the last sketch. I like both ideas. The first sketch I like is its visuals but the last one I like the phrase better. But I chose the first one because I feel like the soup part is highlighted most here. And it is clear that I want to convey that message whilst the last sketch is not as refined because it could be that the viewer views it as a shark that is eaten by humans not because of its fin but for its whole body which is a bit misleading from the original persuasion. Also, I feel like I can come up with a more diverse idea if I chose the first sketch because at first I felt like it needed something to further persuade people. And it is true, I came up with an additional phrase that is “redefine taste, spare the fins” to let everyone know that it is not worth trying. Then I got the idea to make an S shape out of the shark and soup and input the phrase “save shark” to further persuade. The background is sharks that are hunted down by a fishing rod and that rod gives it a feeling of being trapped and suffocated which is the feeling that maybe the shark felt too to finish the touches. 
Technique: The technique that I'm using here is a digital tool which is using adobe illustrator to clear out the shape into something that is smoothed out. The details are photoshopped, some of it is a drawing and some of it are vectors. I use 3 primary colors and kind of play with it a little to make it split complementary. The red pops out from the blue which can be seen by the viewers as persuasive. Yellow drives the user attention to the middle. The blue just evens out the drawing into unity.
Process and Reflection : I follow the template from the digital drawing into a collage. It is pretty challenging because some pictures are not really suitable unless edited. I have a hard time finding something that is compatible enough. Sometimes the image color does not suit the theme so I needed to edit their hue and saturation first.  I feel like college is more persuasive compared to drawings because I think realistic pictures are a good way to spread the message about cruelty that is faced in real life. 
Technique : The technique that i'm using here is using a digital tool that is photoshop. I collage lots of different pictures and follow the original template which is the final poster. Some of the pictures got warped and distorted to suit the images that I want.
IS IT WORTH TO SOUP? #oneperday2023

IS IT WORTH TO SOUP? #oneperday2023
