The ARES Initiative 2098.
Colonizing Mars. The thought itself, impossible and yet... inevitable.
Terraforming Mars began with the establishing of its long lost magnetosphere by building massive pylons at critical field zones for the purpose of ampifying and connecting the weak and scattered magnetic fields. This would provide security against cosmic radiation and prevent the loss of atmosphere and water to space during later stages of terraforming.
The next phase aimed to create  habitable atmospheric conditions and maintaining a rise in temperature. This was accomplished with the use of areostationary orbital mirrors whish refocus the sun's energy toward ice pockets on Mars' surface causing the sublimation of CO2 and the influx of more to act as a greenhouse gas and sustain the rise in temperature.
Then came the Asulon Barges which imported huge amounts of ammonia and methane. Ammonia reacts to produce nitrogen which serves as a buffer gas and the methane reaction yields water and carbon dioxide, both necessary for photosynthesis in the cultivational phase. A domed citadel sits atop each barge and houses an exodus comprising crew, staff and handpicked VVIPs lucky enough to have been evacuated during the early stages of Earth's deterioration.
The illustration is of the Centaur convoy, named after the only remnant of an earlier civilization or failed colonization process, which they salvaged and recalibrated for a human pilot via retrofitted steering module and modified lazyboy.
This is the Centaur, proof of an unknown alien factor which used to or still resides on Mars, humanity's only shot at building a new home. A mecha-tank whose origins and true potential remain a mystery. 
Process GIFs
The crew (left to right) comprises the rookie, pilot, scout, squad leader, guard and technician.
A breath of fresh air. The centaur's holo-sheild is impervious to solid particulate matter, but lets the wind pass right through... smell that brand new spanking atmosphere!
Nothing to see here, just a man.... stroking his shotgun.
A little tinkering required.
Just another routine pylon sweep...?
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Centaur Convoy


Centaur Convoy

It started with the design for the alien tank which I call Centaur and quickly became a concept for what the mid stages of a futuristic mars colo Read More
