I really enjoyed this project because I feel like the final product really represents who I am and since I was designing my own business card I think that was important. For this project I used only type to design my card. Hierarchy was extremely important because I was limited to 3 colors and no images. My goal was to create a card that grabs your attention and then gives you essential information and I think this design accomplishes that. I wanted easy to read yet BOLD because that's the type of person I am.
This is the spread for my design with the front and back of the business card. I wanted my design for the front to include only essential identification and contact information, be easy to read, not look cluttered and still be appealing. For the back, I wanted my design to be bold and beautiful to capture your attention and peak your interest. 
This is the style guide for my design. I used Trade Gothic Next in multiple styles and sizes to create hierarchy to relay information in order of importance. Also included is the spot colors ready for print, which looks a little different than the CMYK colors in my original design as I had difficulty matching those to the spot colors.
Dare to be BOLD

Dare to be BOLD
