Praise Mogbeyiro's profile

The Good Designer Logo Animation

The Good Designer brand is majorly a platform dedicated to sharing a design journey and valuable experiences with aspiring or budding designers seeking career growth.

Headed by Mabel Praise, a highly experienced designer with expertise spanning graphics design, motion design, web design, and product design, the brand offers profound insights into the challenges and fluctuations encountered while pursuing a design career.

The channel aims to streamline the growth process for emerging designers and provide guidance to those facing hurdles on their creative path.
How I animated the logo:

- I analyzed the logo design:
   I carefully studied the logo's elements for animation potential.

- I utilized animation software:
   Making use of Adobe After Effects, I created dynamic effects, transitions, and motion graphics.

- Refined timing and pacing:
   I ensured smooth flow and synchronized audio for impact.

- Exported in a compatible format and made sure it was ready to be used across platforms.

I am excited about the results, and I believe this animated logo will help the brand stand out and make a lasting impact.

Client: Mabel Praise
Storyboarding: Praise Mogbeyiro
Animation & Sound Design: Praise Mogbeyiro
Connect with Praise Mogbeyiro on Instagram and Vimeo
The Good Designer Logo Animation


The Good Designer Logo Animation


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