Jon Mikulanis's profile

How to play Magic: the Gathering

you made it through all of that, congratulations! Understanding the game can be overwhelming if you're new to it, but hopefully, this information has helped you grasp the basics. Magic card art is truly incredible, and it has inspired my love for fantasy art. I have fond memories of trying to recreate the card art in my childhood sketchbooks. The game not only provides entertainment but also encourages critical thinking, creativity, composure, and perseverance. It's a wonderful way to challenge yourself and have fun at the same time.
When I started designing this infographic, I intended to use a flat visual style consistently. However, as the project evolved, I made the decision to change the style while still including elements of the card back design in a smaller way. I'm pleased with the final result and believe the details of the card back deserve to be showcased on a larger scale.
During my time studying game design, I developed a deep passion for texture art. Although I don't often have many opportunities to showcase it, I found that certain elements of this infographic required unique textures. As a result, I decided to create and incorporate handmade textures into the design, adding a touch of authenticity and uniqueness to the final product.

I've always found that using a cement/marble texture as a background works well in design. It not only provides a clean and easy-to-read surface for the content but also adds depth and color variation to the overall composition. Additionally, the organic nature of the texture allows for easy manipulation to fit different design spaces, making it a versatile choice.
The two textures were used to create a more realistic depiction of the card back. This one is used for the element that is resembling a circular leather element that encompasses the colors of the cards.
This was designed to resemble a patinated metal element, specifically used for the main background of the card back.
How to play Magic: the Gathering


How to play Magic: the Gathering
