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Kintsugi _ Golden Resilience | Illustration

       In my artwork, "Golden Resilience", a figure is depicted with wires covering her fragile form, symbolizing the initial steps taken towards healing. However, despite the presence of these golden mends, she remains visibly fragile and on the verge of crumbling. This aspect serves as a reminder that the process of healing and recovering from trauma is not instantaneous or linear. Just as the figurine shows visible cracks, a person who has experienced deep wounds cannot simply be "fixed" overnight.

       To further emphasize this notion, a flower emerges from the wires of the broken figurine. This imagery signifies the potential for growth and resilience that can arise from the healing process. It represents the inner strength and beauty that gradually emerge as one invests time and effort into self-care and self-reflection. By acknowledging the fragility and imperfections, one can begin the transformative journey of healing, allowing themselves to grow stronger and become more whole.

       The artwork aims to challenge the notion of instant recovery and highlight the importance of patience and self-compassion when dealing with trauma and ones emotions. It encourages viewers to recognize that the healing process takes time and requires self-nurturing before one can effectively rebuild and restore their sense of self. Ultimately, the application of the gold represents not only the repairs made but also the wisdom and strength gained from the journey of healing.

Kintsugi _ Golden Resilience | Illustration

Kintsugi _ Golden Resilience | Illustration
