This project is about things which we do every day and about what we see every day. It is about tram's way to University.
On the subway, I change my way, I have even more options by the car, but the tram path is always the same. Every time I look out the window... There are things, the houses, the surfaces that always attract my attention, make me think. I remember them and they remain with me. It's like the film frames. Everyone has a route like this one, we drive regularly or to work, or to school... It exists for a long time, a lot of it becomes a part of our life. And then .. we change the job or finish school, university... we find for yourself something new... This work helped me to keep that part of my life, that changed a lot in me, in my understanding and perception of the world. One year and this route will go away to the past… This is a horizontal line of photographs, which begins from picture of the tram, which moves to the right, because that's how my journey started. The line of a path consist of  static frames, because that's how my mind grabs interesting fragments. At the end of this line is a picture on which tram rides in the opposite direction. Photos attached to the place, so it is planned so that they must be placed together with the plates with the names of a tram stops.

The project participated in a student exhibition “On the road” in the center of Moscow.
February, 2012

The path

The path

On the road. “THE PATH" This project is about things which we do every day and about what we see every day. It is about tram's way to University. Read More


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