COCO Creativo's profile

Decks • Identity / Visual Design


Everyone in the startups ecosystem has heard about the “elevator pitch”—a convincing and impressive speech about a business idea or goal that’s short enough to tell in an elevator ride. 

For the last 8 years we have been working helping startups to build the next step after their “elevator pitch”: the pitch deck. A pitch deck takes the elevator pitch further, adding a touch of refinement: it's a slideshow or presentation created for prospective investors to initiate a discussion. Pitch decks are succinct presentations designed to provide investors and clients with a deeper understanding of your business, encompassing products, services, objectives, and strategies. These visual aids assist businesses in captivating investors and clients, and comprehending the components of a pitch deck can propel you towards achieving your business objectives.

Creative Direction: Matías Ross
Design: Victoria Ciordia & Natalia Lopez Guerra

Decks • Identity / Visual Design

Decks • Identity / Visual Design
