Ekaterina Nikulina's profile

Victor Frankl ("Say YES to life")

Illustrations for the book "Say YES to Life" by Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist, the founder of logotherapy — a direction in existential psychology and the founder of the third Vienna School of Psychotherapy.​​​​​​​
He was in several concentration camps, lost his wife and all his loved ones, but survived, supported the prisoners and saw the meaning of life in his work.

Collage, manual printing techniques (ink and gouache).
Made on the BBE course
Arrival at the Auschwitz concentration camp
Detachment from the body, self-observation, change of social status
Hunger and physical inconvenience, sleep on bare boards, talk and thoughts about food
Memories of the trip Auschwitz – Dachau by train past Vienna, home town Frankl. Trying to stand on toes and see in the window familiar city landscapes
Frankl’s memories of his wife (he did not know she was dead). 
Mental dialogues, a sense of connection and support
Move Auschwitz — Bavarian concentration camp. Mountain peaks with sunset in the windows of the train. Prisoners' attempt to see beauty

Frankl’s work as a doctor during typhus epidemic. Care, support
Feelings of loneliness and an attempt at solitude within the walls of the concentration camp
​​​​​​​Frankl imagines himself standing on the pulpit in front of the audience
Realise prisoners

Return to the city after liberation. 
Illusory perception, reality seems like a dream

Victor Frankl ("Say YES to life")


Victor Frankl ("Say YES to life")
