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Illustration Unpopulair opinion

Illustration Unpopular opinion assignment.
For this assignment we had to pick a guilty pleasure or an unpopular opinion. We had to use the ABC to think of subjects.

Chosen subjects
Eventually i talked about it and i decided to make 2 unpopular opinions.
I went with: 
- Marvel phase 4 (almost everything after Avengers Endgame) isn't as bad as people say.
- The past used to be better
I had to choose 2 styles i wanted to illustrate it in.

I chose for an album cover for the "past" one and a poster for the "marvel" one
Mood & Style board
I started making a poster on photoshop using the marvel characters I wanted to use. At first I wanted to make clear how I imagined the poster so I made a quick sketch.
Eventually I asked feedback to Bang (my teacher) and he said about the poster to make it more my own and give the poster characters more like a glow from explosions. 
The feedback about the album one was make it a bit more obvious why the first one is good and the second depressing.
I started working a lot on both drawings. I started to make the album cover more look a like so you got the feeling both rooms are the same but slightly different. I made the room with the kid more light and the one with the guy more darker.

For the Marvel poster I wasn't sure if i should draw it over or if I should continue with the photoshop design. People said the photoshop design looked good and I shouldn't draw over. So i focused more on making the poster my own. I made it more my own by making it look how I would make a poster. i also experimented with some designs
After some time I asked feedback again and then I heard to put some decoration in the album cover. To really show why the one is better and the other isn't.

The Marvel poster looked good but i wasn't satisfied about the font of the letters so i went to experiment with it.
I missed a few lessons cause of personal reasons so i wasn't able to do a drawover.
Eventually I heard from my other teacher that the marvel poster wasn't an illustration but more a collage. So I had to start over again with a totally new thing. Luckily my teacher gave the idea to not use all those characters but just 2. So I made a new poster with 2 characters (this was all in the last week by the way) so I had to think of how i will finish this quickly. Therefore I used an old Spider-sona drawing (selfmade spider-man design) to make Spider-man and then i needed one more good character from phase 4. So i was thinking if i was able to re use an old drawing as well instead of making a totally new design in this short time. I had this drawing of a female with a cape who could look like the Scarlet Witch if I did it right. So i done that and then used the movie titles to make a background.
For the Album cover i added some decoration. Posters, plants, a toy and more shading. then i got the feedback to make the background happier.
Final designs
These are the final designs I made and am proud of the end results.
Illustration Unpopulair opinion


Illustration Unpopulair opinion
