During my studies at tafe, a new campus opened up and we volunteered to design murals to decorate the campus. The new tafe was a marine campus where students would spend their time studying an constructing boats of various sizes and repairing engines.
My mural design would consist of 4 illustrative images that would demonstrate the evolution of marine craft through history. The images are simple outlines done by hand to give it a simplistic feel while still retaining some more details then one would expect from just a few lines. Its colour scheme of blue outlines with white interior is to keep the new campuses colour scheme of blues and whites as that will allow for the art to feel more at home with the rest of the campus.
Once all for images were complete I placed them along the canvas and aligned them giving each one enough space to stand out but keep close enough together to not only fit on the canvas but to show their evolution.
Next became time to add some text, once again sticking with the colour scheme. For each image I thought it would be a good idea to have type matching each era of ship. For the age of exploration, I gave it a more hand written feel (type is p22 1712). The age of steam I gave more of a typewriter feel as it matches the era compared to another hand written type (type is ELEGANT TYPEWRITER). As for the age of nuclear, I chose to give it a more cold war aesthetic as the vast majority of this time was during the cold war (type is Digital-7). Last but not least is the age of recreational boating, this I chose to give a more modern type to match the modern craft (type is Arial)
Sadly, in the end the man behind the idea for the murals changed occupation and his replacement had no idea of the arrangement and ended up scraping the idea as a whole.


