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Major Arcana Blessing Card 2022

大阿克納的祝福2022年版,是我為了個人品牌[木子荒]推出的祝福插畫卡片系列, 創作原型為塔羅牌中的五張比較適合的大阿克納卡牌進行創作.

2022 Major Arcana Blessing Series was a series of illustration I created for personal brand "Muzi Wild". This series was designed inspired from my own tarot deck, I selected 5 cards from major arcana and hope them would share my blessings.
太陽  The Sun : Blessing of Victory, Joy, Pureness and Goal Achievment.
行動 Action: Inspired from The Chariot and Aries, Blessing of  Empowerment, Motivation and Achievement of Goal.w
戀人 The Lovers: Blessing of Love and Adore, Joy , Healthy Relationships
創造 Create: Inspired from The Magician, the blessing of creativity and the ability to bring thoughts to reality.
宇宙 Universe: The Blessing of  Universe was whole and completion of life, it's to realized that we're blessed and own everything we nees already .
Major Arcana Blessing Card 2022


Major Arcana Blessing Card 2022
