Karien de Lange's profileKarien De Lange's profile


What came to mind thinking about self-portraiture was, “I want to take a photo of me taking a photo of me”. This topic flowed into the question of what my relationship with the camera is and I figured that I am actually worshipping the camera in a way (as is most of our culture today). It has
become a sort of idol in my life. In my life I have been obsessed with it and so has most of the people moving in my circles (both casually or professionally). My mind moved to what Deuteronomy says in the Bible about images, “You shall make any image” - one of God’s commandments. In contrast this culture spends most of its time on photography (think of social media, TV etc.). Then too- the camera becomes something that stands between me and God. It is the object of disobedience (sin) and an idol. Through this whole process it is interesting how this reflects my
performativity in front of God and my “trying to find my rightful place” before Him. Through the series of my photographs, I explain this. I also portray scenes of me praying in the dark/ secret place as reference to this private setting the viewer should not actually know about. So shame about my sin is alluded to and strong religious references are made.
It was daunting to think about jumping in front of the camera and being the artist and model at once. I really wanted to address something interesting through my portraits. I enjoyed the goal of leaving space for the viewer to experience my portrait and to think about my message more than
my face. It turned out very enjoyable and I felt as if I was performing on a theatre stage. I enjoyed being solely alone in the studio and as soon as someone came in I felt disrupted. I needed loneliness to be able to fully express and focus on what I was creating. Practically the lighting was very tricky managing but I eventually found a point where I felt satisfied.

Thank you.

