Mellissa Indria Pertiwi's profile


2019 - 2022
Role: Copywriter, Editorial Director, Project Manager
Girl Effect, in partnership with Unilever’s Dove Self Esteem Project (DSEP), is working to improve the self-esteem and body image of adolescent girls and young women in Indonesia, aged 15-19. 

Adapting curriculum from DSEP’s past offline interventions for digital platforms, we’re reaching girls where they already are, via the platforms they know and love. By harnessing the power of digital content and implementing our branded approach to social behaviour change, we’re working to improve their feelings of self esteem and body image across a range of standardised global measures.

Informed by insights from girls themselves and behavioural trends in Indonesia more broadly, our programme aims to give girls digital literacy skills so they can critically analyse content they see online and support them in challenging appearance-related teasing from family and friends. 

In partnership with Dove Self Esteem Project’s academic partners, the Centre for Appearance Research, we’ve evaluated the impact of the programme via a randomised control trial (RCT).

Warna-Warni Waktu is an evidence-based campaign created by Girl Effect and Dove Self-Esteem Project, with the support of the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR), that has been designed to increase self-esteem in Indonesian girls through entertaining and engaging content.

At the heart of the campaign is a six episode web series that stars Putri and five time-traveling besties. The first episode is based in the year 2033, with viewers see that the world has become an appearance-obsessed dystopia. The five time travelers identify Putri as someone who can help change the world, but only if they go back in time to help her gain insights and confidence at critical moments in her development.
Episode 1: 
In 2033, the appearance standards have become ridiculous and everyone feels pressured to fit in! If this continues, things will only get worse! Our self-esteem might even disappear! What can we do? 😱

Five time-traveling besties have decided to venture into the past to fix this version of future. Will they succeed? Can everyone's confidence return? 🤔
Episode 2: 
There are so many adverts on social media that make Putri want to buy their products. But... when Putri tries them, why are her results different? What's actually happening? 😣 Could it be... the ads are selling lies? 🤔
Episode 3: 
"Your hair is beautiful, unlike mine."
"...But your eyes are nice, unlike mine."

Have you ever been caught in a conversation like this?
Putri has! Putri and her friends sometimes compare their appearances with each other. Are they actually praising each other, or criticizing themselves? 😕

Episode 4: 
Sometimes family gatherings end up being moments that you'd rather skip because they can make you feel uneasy instead of happy. Has that ever happened to you?

It happened to Putri. With all the stressing about whether a relative is going to say something about her appearance, her academics, or something else, Putri feels like she can't be herself. What do you think Putri should do? 😥😥😥
Episode 5:
Sometimes it can be more difficult to love ourselves than it is to appreciate others. 😭 This has happened to Putri, too. A pimple might make her feel like she hates her appearance. 😱 How can we convince her that she needs to be her own bestie? 🤔

Episode 6: 
After going back in time to accomplish their missions, our five time-travelers have finally returned to the future to see if they were successful. What’s the future like now? 😳 Have things gotten better or… are they even worse? 😱 Grab your popcorn 'cause the best part is about to begin!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
In addition to the web series, additional activities have been created to help reinforce core messaging and track behavior change.

The activities range from simple single-image social media posts to more comprehensive infographics to writing competitions where girls can earn prizes for winning submissions.​​​​​​​
Warna-Warni Waktu campaign then got published as a research and medical journal on three online journal platforms. 

The first one is published on JMIR Publications and National Library of Medicine with title Evaluating the Efficacy of a Social Media–Based Intervention (Warna-Warni Waktu) to Improve Body Image Among Young Indonesian Women: Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial with conclusions: 

"Warna-Warni Waktu is an effective eHealth intervention to reduce body dissatisfaction among Indonesian adolescent girls and young women. Although the effects were small, Warna-Warni Waktu is a scalable, cost-effective alternative to more intense interventions. Initially, dissemination through paid social media advertising will reach thousands of young Indonesian women."

The second one is published on National Library of Medicine with title A Novel, Scalable Social Media–Based Intervention (“Warna-Warni Waktu”) to Reduce Body Dissatisfaction Among Young Indonesian Women: Protocol for a Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial​​​​​​​ with conclusions: 

"This is the first study to evaluate an eHealth intervention aimed at reducing body dissatisfaction among young Indonesian women. If effective, the intervention will be disseminated to over half a million young women in Indonesia via Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube."

