Brief - ‘Has feminism become a dirty word?’ The term feminism can have negative connotation in the mind 
of the public. This needs to change and the term ‘Feminism’ needs to be reclaimed. 
Concept - To change the publics mind on a subject, I needed to catch their attention so that they were 
interested in looking furthur into the design and realising what feminism is all about.
Solution - Feminism is often seen as a bad word and people will often avoid the subject. I created designs that were bold, bright and did not look like they were about feminism upon first glance, this engages the audience and invites them to take a closer look and understand what feminism really means.

These design are bold, bright and eye catching. They are intended to catch the audiences attention. By using both of the gender symbols in the designs it would be clear to the audience that the campaign is aimed at both men and women, men are not left out and by being included in the designs men can see that they are also part of Feminism. These designs would be used as posters and flyers. When the flyers are distributed to the public the design and slogan would intrigue the audience, making them want to know what it’s about. When the flyer is turned over there is an infographic on the back explaining ‘The truth about Feminism’ and also a website address where they can find out more.
Rebrand Feminism

Rebrand Feminism

Rebranding Feminism
