Telecinetic is a short film developed in my fourth year. It highlights a young woman struggling to understand a power no one else has and she can’t control, isolating her from the rest of the world.
Telecinetic took two months to produce, including storyboarding, filming and editing. It had its fair share of challenges and learning curves. The inspiration came from the desire to create a piece more on the creepy side and work with the idea of telekinesis.
You can view the original storyboard here.
A lot of fun was had working in the green screen room for the first time, and I only had two hours to get all the shots I needed. I originally intended for the glass in the film to break, which we accomplished many times in real life as seen above. However, I discovered my frame rate was too slow to capture the shot effectively and there was too much green reflected through the clear glass. Though the scene had to be cut, I learned a lot from my filming of it and attempts to edit.
We ended up reshooting a lot of the footage throughout the production process due to weather conditions mainly. However, with all the times we went through the script and reshot scenes over and over, I blanked on shooting the wine bottle floating in the green screen room. I didn't realize this until I was halfway through editing. Luckily, plan two worked out well.
I also took some before and after shots from the original footage to the completed work, to show my editing/colour correcting skills and key special effects work. These are found below, side by side.