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Nine Images, One Subject

TPSWS: Nine Images, One Subject
Project 2 from The Photography Storytelling Workshop by photographer Finn Beales
In my second project for the Photography Storytelling Workshop I was tasked with taking ten photos of one subject using varying shot angles and distances (I only kept 9). 
My brother is a big fan of dice-based pen and paper RPGs and I wanted to capture dice and dice in action as the subject of this set of photos, aiming to tell a simple story of dice being rolled during a game of D&D. 
I shot this set on the Canon R6 with the EF to RF adapter and a Sigma 15-35 APS-C lens. A crop factor of 1.6x was automatically applied. I didn't realize that was happening (or that the Sigma lens was a crop sensor lens) until well after the shoot. Even though this reduced the over all megapixels of the images, as you can see the subject in each image still came out really clear and sharp. Because of the way the light was reflecting on the white table and the narrow depth of field, in certain images, out of focus dice appear to melt into the table around them. 
I'd love to receive any constructive criticism from fellow photographers (especially professionals) so I can continue to improve my craft! Thanks for reading!
- Jason Holt, 
Nine Images, One Subject


Nine Images, One Subject
