Muhammad Ali's profile

QuickBooks Training to Canadian Student

As a passionate educator and expert accountant, I was thrilled to take on the project of training Ejiro Ovwigho in QuickBooks. Ejiro, a native English speaker and Canadian national, was eager to learn the ins and outs of the accounting software to pursue a career as a bookkeeper. However, before diving into QuickBooks, we spent 5-6 weeks covering the basics of accounting to ensure a strong foundation for her future success.

Once Ejiro had a solid grasp on accounting principles, we delved into the world of QuickBooks. Through personalized training sessions, I was able to guide her through the software, teaching her how to navigate its various features and functions. Thanks to Ejiro's hard work and dedication, she was able to quickly master the program and gain the confidence needed to excel in her future career.

I am thrilled to report that Ejiro's determination and newly acquired skills paid off, as she was able to secure her first job as a bookkeeper shortly after completing our training program. Witnessing the tangible results of our hard work together was incredibly rewarding, and I am proud to have played a part in Ejiro's journey towards success. Overall, this project was a wonderful opportunity to combine my passion for education and accounting, and I look forward to helping more students achieve their goals in the future.
QuickBooks Training to Canadian Student