For this particular assignment, I wanted to utilize a specific outfit to be photographed. Although, after setting up the umbrella lighting, and the right location to take the picture, I knew I didn’t want to utilize the outfit I had planned. With my black uniform and black leggings, it was a perfect contrast to the white background, especially with the extra lighting coming from the umbrella lighting. 

After taking several pictures, I wanted to fix the photo I knew I wanted to print out on Photoshop to make last minute adjustments. I utilized the clone stamp tool to take away from noticeable pimples I had on my face. I wanted to make sure that my picture emphasized a powerful, but beautiful as well through the confidence I carried in my pose. 

Finally, I integrated the photos into Lightroom where I created more contrast, highlights, and detail to bring more focus on my pose and face. I wanted to make sure there was a good shadow tracing behind me to add a more bold effect to the pose. Once I made these adjustments, I felt more proud of myself of how I was able to determine what this particular picture needed in terms of lighting and editing. 

Photo Credits: Alyssa Rodriguez
Power Pose

Power Pose
