Traditional Ad: The objective for this assignment was to create three social media ads for a product that I created in a pervious assignment. The product is a high-tech drone that looks just like a bird. I created three separate ads with slogans that have a positive, negative, and metaphorical influence on the advertisement. 
In the first ad, I wanted it to seem as though the drone bird was spying on someone inside the building. My tagline for this as says "Therefore, drones are just another weapon". This is because spying on people and invading their privacy can be a dangerous thing. 
The second ad is a closer image of just the drone. I wanted to put more emphasis on just the product so all thats in frame is the drone flying in the sky. In my tagline, I bolded the letters "ever before" because I wanted the audience to assume that this drone was a better and newly improved drone on the market. 
In the third ad, I have a graphic of the drones head. I originally created the tagline "Get a birds eye view" and wanted it to be a play on words. Considering the brands name of the drone is BIRD. 

This is the mind map I created while planning out this assignment. 
These are the taglines I drafted before choosing my final 3. 
These are the thumbnails I created. 
Traditonal Ad


Traditonal Ad


Creative Fields