Ergo Hesita - Timecode Akcja Animacja 2022

Sztuka ubezpieczeń
Motion design
Ergo Hesta | Timecode

The new communication strategy for the Ergo Hestia brand is based on rarely encountered, artistic formats that intrigue and engage audiences, much like works of art. Insurance is about emotions. That's why, when creating the animation, we focused on them.

We wanted our animation to provide ample room for personal interpretation of the presented imagery. The whole piece is highly abstract, with simple and geometric shapes prevailing. Art, of course, serves as the guide throughout the story, which we represented in the form of a painterly line, thereby referring to the client's materials. When creating the animation, our goal was to make it as closely related to the Ergo Hestia brand as possible and to contribute to its development. We are proud that the animation won the Grand Prix and the sponsor's award in the Timecode Akcja Animacja 2022 competition. Thank you!

Przemysław Białasz, Karol Dynysiuk
Przemysław Białasz, Karol Dynysiuk
Sound design:
Ucho studio

Ergo Hesita - Timecode Akcja Animacja 2022

Ergo Hesita - Timecode Akcja Animacja 2022

Advertising animation project for the insurance company Ergo Hestia. An abstract animation based on geometric shapes telling the story of the com Read More
