Andrew Purcell's profile

The Creeper Saltshaker

The Creeper Saltshaker 

Description: Aren't normal saltshakers too boring and too practical? The Creeper Saltshaker solves this problem by spicing things up! The Creeper Saltshaker plays the Creeper hissing noise anytime you shake it to get salt out. A portable charger, mini speaker, Arduino Nano, Micro SD card reader, and vibration sensor are all tightly packed in the wood body made from a 2D laser cutter. The top portion of the head is sectioned off to contain and dispense salt through the 3D printed lid.  The Creeper detects motion with a vibration sensor and tells the Micro SD card reader to play the Creeper Hissing through the speaker. 

User Testing: For this prototype, I had user tests conducted to find out ways to improve my design. I first allowed them to examine and use the saltshaker in any manner they chose. I then asked them a series of questions seeking to find what they thought about the functionality, size, and aesthetics of the Creeper Saltshaker.  Finally, I asked them to share what they liked most and least about the saltshaker. Overall, the results showed that the Creeper Saltshaker's functions well, but is too sensitive to motion/vibration. People either liked how large the saltshaker was, or they wanted to make the saltshaker smaller. Finally, users found the aesthetics of the Creeper Saltshaker to be accurate and appealing, but thought the square shape was uncomfortable to grip.
Initial Concept:
Foamcore Prototype:
Functional Prototype:
Aesthetic Prototype:
Integrating Functional and Aesthetic Prototype: 
Video Demonstration:
The Creeper Saltshaker

The Creeper Saltshaker
