PD - Patient Support App Design

Project overview:
Green Bean is a comprehensive digital solution designed to support individuals living with Parkinson's disease in managing their condition. This app provides a range of features, including medication tracking, journaling, information feeds, doctor appointments, and dopamine triggering digital games, all in one convenient location.
With Green Bean, users can easily log their medication schedules and set reminders for when it's time to take their pills. They can also track their symptoms and record any changes they experience over time. This information can then be easily shared with their healthcare provider, and -if they. prefer- with their families, helping to ensure that they receive the best possible care.
Green Bean's journaling feature, allowing users to record their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a single word selection, voice memos or eve videos. We aimed this valuable tool for managing stress and anxiety, and can also help users track their progress over time. 
In addition to journaling, Green Bean app includes an information feed, 
providing users with the latest and most reliable updates related to Parkinson's disease. This can include information about new treatments, research breakthroughs, and community events. We aim to provide a clean source of information and direct the patients to Green Bean instead of vast un-moderated web pages.
Finally, this app includes brain games designed to help users stay sharp and improve their cognitive function. These games are fun and engaging, and can be a great way to keep the mind active and healthy.
All of these features are provided inn a gamified setting to keep the patient engaged daily. Because PD is a condition that requires a strict daily regimen.
Overall, this app is a valuable tool for anyone living with Parkinson's disease. It is designed to empower users/patients, to stay on top of their medication, manage their symptoms, and stay informed about the latest developments in Parkinson's research.
''Nobel Sciences'' was seeking a designer to lead the redesign of their existing Parkinson's disease support app, with a focus on improving accessibility for users with mobility and cognitive impairments. The app was intended to help Parkinson's disease patients track their medication, record symptoms, and stay informed about the latest research and treatments.
In this project, I was responsible for leading the design process, working closely with stakeholders and developers to ensure that the app is intuitive and easy to use. I was also responsible for conducting user research to identify areas where the app can be improved, and for developing user personas to inform the design process.
Key requirements for this role included ''experience designing accessible apps for users with disabilities, a strong understanding of the needs of Parkinson's disease patients, and familiarity with relevant design tools and software.''
This project was especially close to my heart because my mom has been living with PD for the last 13 years. I believe I could prove how passionate I am about using design to improve the lives of individuals living with Parkinson's disease, and also their loved ones.
I was aware that there was a gap in the market for a product that is both accessible and user-friendly while effectively meeting the needs of its users.
Thus, for me this was a very exciting opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of Parkinson's disease patients, and to work on a project that has the potential to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry. This brief also presented a valuable opportunity to challenge the existing product and generate innovative ideas for a data-driven, customized UX design for different types of patients, based on where they are in PD and their life styles.
Previous designs:

The fonts and colors used were not accessible, particularly when taking into account the age group of the users. This revealed a lack of empathy and research in the design process.
To begin the redesign process, I conducted a thorough examination of the old application. I gathered feedback from patients and their relatives to identify pain points. Additionally, I utilized a heat map study using Hotjar to determine which features were being used the most, how frequently they were being used, and for how long.

Despite having thousands of downloads, the accessibility issues and dull color scheme of the app caused users to lose interest and either stop using the app or forget about it entirely.
For example, the exercise or medication tracking feature did not provide any feedback on the data collected, which could have been utilized to develop meaningful new features. Therefore, I focused on streamlining all necessary features and presenting them in a clean and elegant manner.
We had an incredibly valuable data source at our disposal, particularly when considering the aging population and the next-generation profile of PD patients. Unfortunately, these factors were completely overlooked in the previous information architecture and the user journey maps.
As a relative of someone living with PD, I am aware that this disease often presents many other problems aside from mobility issues. Digestion problems, mood swings, depression, and sleeplessness are some of the common issues that patients may face. Sometimes a single dietary change could create a negative or positive chain reaction. To address this, I developed a holistic view that takes into account the overlapping issues experienced by patients through the data captured by the app.
As part of the redesign process, I recognized the importance of color psychology in enhancing user experience. The previous version of the app had a dull purple color scheme that did not inspire any positive emotions. Therefore, I decided to change the color scheme to incorporate bright, mood-lifting colors that would create a more welcoming and uplifting environment for the users. By using colours that are associated with positivity, energy, and vitality, I aimed to improve the overall mood and motivation of the users when interacting with the app.
This redesign project presented a unique opportunity to not only revamp the brand guidelines but also overhaul the entire design system of the product. Rather than simply making cosmetic changes, I saw the importance of reevaluating the underlying design principles that informed every aspect of the user experience. This involved redefining the information architecture, streamlining the user interface, and creating a more intuitive user flow. By taking a holistic approach to the redesign, I was able to create a more cohesive and user-centered design system that not only addressed the immediate needs of the users but also laid the foundation for future iterations and updates.
In my efforts to create a more effective and user-friendly app, I recognized the importance of making the experience not only accessible but also joyful for the patients. To achieve this, I incorporated gamification into the UX design. By making the app more interactive and visually engaging, patients could see their progress and stay motivated to continue using the app. This approach not only made the experience more enjoyable but also facilitated better adherence to treatment plans and increased patient engagement in managing their condition. By combining accessibility, user-friendliness, and gamification, I was able to create an app that was both effective and enjoyable for the users.
Parkinson's is a condition that often requires a strong support system, as patients may require assistance with various aspects of their daily lives. It is not uncommon to see patients arriving at clinics accompanied by relatives or caregivers who provide the necessary support. I added a feature i nthe new designs that is addressing this need.
Understanding the importance of this support system, I made sure to incorporate features into the app that would facilitate better communication and coordination between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. By creating a more connected and supportive environment, patients and their caregivers could better manage the challenges of living with Parkinson's, leading to improved outcomes and a higher quality of life.

Keeping the importance of the support system in mind, I designed a new feature called "Bean Buddy" to enhance communication and coordination between patients and their caregivers. The feature allowed caregivers to view the patient's progress and stay updated on any necessary medical reports. This not only helped caregivers stay informed but also provided them with a sense of control and empowerment in managing their loved one's condition. By creating a more supportive and collaborative environment, the app became a valuable tool for both patients and caregivers in managing the challenges of Parkinson's.
PD - Patient Support App Design

PD - Patient Support App Design

Green Bean // product re-design.


Creative Fields