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Tree Germination Kit Packaging Design: Save The Trees

The tree germination kit's main theme is "Save the Trees". The intention is to educate children, teachers, and families about the importance of planting oak trees as a way to reduce carbon dioxide and provide habitats for animals. The illustrations of animals living in oak trees on the front were hand-drawn with colored pencils to make them more appealing to children. Each animal is depicted living in its own kind of oak tree, which is represented by a unique shape and texture of leaves and tree surface. The kit comes with tools and instructions about the methods to plant the oak trees, making it easy and accessible for families and teachers to use. Once the trees have been planted, children can use the kit as a toy, or a microscope to observe nature, utilizing the lenses attached to the bottom of the kit.
The backside of the package includes interesting facts about animals and trees to educate customers while raising awareness about the importance of trees for ecosystems and biodiversity. This also encourages people to plant trees in their own communities. The information including details about the natural habitat of trees will fulfill the curiosity the potential customers might have about the tree. Detailed information on the specific climate or soil conditions that certain trees require to grow will also help customers to make the right decisions about where to plant them, making their overall experience meaningful and successful.

Tree Germination Kit Packaging Design: Save The Trees

Tree Germination Kit Packaging Design: Save The Trees
