Kallie Riffenburg's profile

PSA Campaign - Texting and Driving

PSA Campaign - Texting and Driving
Why did I choose texting while driving?
I chose the issue texting and driving because it is still a problem in this time and needs to be addressed. There are 20% men and 10% women that think that they can do better than the average at texting and driving. So, it seemed like this was a fitting issue to discuss and go into further research.
Statistics of texting and driving
1.) 20% of men and 10% women think they are better than the average at texting and driving.
2.) 9 people die every day from distracted driving.
3.) Drivers spend an average of 1:38 minutes on their phones per hour of driving.
4.) Phone usage was involved in 12% of car accidents.
5.) 25- to 34-Year-olds are involved in the most distracted driving fatal car accidents
The Design Process
The design process was fun and exciting to try something different and something that targets issues that matter and can make the world better in some way. The sketching took some work to figure out how I wanted it to look. Then after looking at some examples, I better idea on how PSA Campaigns are supposed to look like.
Mood Board
Other design ideas
During the design process I made a couple variations that could work. This was where I didn't really know what kind of font I should use and how much information I needed to use. The first couple posters were not quite there yet. At first, they were too busy and needed to be simplified a little bit, so it wasn't so overwhelming. 
Final Poster
After fine tuning and getting all the little pieces together it looked really well. I needed a ad tag at the bottom with a website to direct everyone if they needed any more information. There needed to be a good visual with just the right amount of information that wasn't too overwhelming and to where it would drive people away because of too much reading. 
Final Thoughts
I had a really good time doing this project, it really helped me understand the issue better and how I can better help other understand the issue as well. I think that if we give the right information to the right audience, it will help others learn that there are lives at stake and that texting can wait once we stop or are out of the car. Lives will be spared if we put our phone away and focus on the road. 
PSA Campaign - Texting and Driving

PSA Campaign - Texting and Driving
