
RCRDS was opened in 2019. The concept of an online store selling vinyl records and players. The project is designed in a minimalist style so that nothing distracts the client from the product. In the store you can order vinyl records and equipment, as well as order various services for the maintenance of musical equipment.

«I still like to think of an album like the old days, like a vinyl record with two sides: one ends, one begins. Now, unfortunately, when the album is downloaded, people shuffle the songs in the order they like, or even throw out one or the other. But this is not how the album should be listened to. Those who made it came up with composition and structure for it. It's like taking an artist's painting and cutting a piece out of it.»‎
(с) Dave Gahan
Telegram: @Evazibolova
E-mail: evazibolova@gmail.com

Vinyl records branding


Vinyl records branding
