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Rarified Beer - Branding and Packaging Design

Rarified™​​​​​​​ Members-Only Beer

St. Lawrence Brewery Co., partnered with our team to create an unforgettable brand identity for their exclusive, members-only beer, Rarified. This exceptional stout beer, produced annually in a limited 20L batch, represents the brewery's dedication to quality and appreciation for their most loyal clientele.

The project, began with a deep exploration of St. Lawrence Brewery's brand values, their target audience, and the story behind Rarified. Through a series of collaborative brainstorming sessions and workshops, we unearthed the essence of the beer and its significance to the brewery and its ardent members.
One of the most striking elements of the Rarified brand is the logo, which features an eye with a tongue sticking out. This audacious design symbolizes the awakening of one's senses, while the tongue represents the bold, daring flavors that tantalize the taste buds. The logo embodies the spirit of Rarified – a beer that's unapologetically adventurous, unafraid to stand out, and eager to leave an indelible mark on its drinkers.
To further personalize the Rarified experience, each bottle is adorned with the client's name and a unique message, ensuring that no two bottles share the same inscription. This tailored touch not only fosters a sense of belonging but also exhibits St. Lawrence Brewery's heartfelt gratitude towards its most cherished clients.
Throughout the entire branding process, our objective was to create a sense of pride, belonging, and excitement for Rarified Stout drinkers. Every touchpoint, from the exclusive nature of the beer to the personalized communication between the brewery and its members, was designed to nurture loyalty and appreciation within the St. Lawrence Brewery community.
Rarified Beer - Branding and Packaging Design


Project Made For

Rarified Beer - Branding and Packaging Design

St. Lawrence Brewery's Rarified showcases the bond between the brewery and its loyal members. The case study highlights the bold, unforgettable Read More
