The Westin Pune
As a dedicated Social Media Manager and Content Writer for Westin Hotels & Resorts, Pune, I had the privilege of playing a pivotal role in elevating the brand's online presence and establishing a powerful connection with its audience. My responsibilities went beyond just content creation; I acted as the linchpin in the brand's marketing success.

As the point of contact between the hotel and our creative team, I collaborated seamlessly with photographers, graphic designers, videographers, and other creative professionals. My role involved understanding the client's vision, meticulously crafting marketing plans, and translating these strategies into action.

I created comprehensive social media monthly calendars, ensuring a cohesive and engaging online presence. My commitment to perfection extended to the preparation of captivating creatives, each designed to capture the essence of Westin Pune, with the added responsibility of securing client approvals.

Through this multifaceted approach, I significantly contributed to Westin's marketing triumph, transforming concepts into compelling digital realities.

Let's take a look at my journey with Westin Hotels and Resorts.
The Market: Launch
Objectives and Goals: The primary objective of the "The Market" Launch Campaign was to introduce Westin Pune's newest dining concept, "The Market" restaurant, to the target audience. We aimed to create a buzz around this global culinary experience, showcasing its unique features and luxurious offerings. The campaign aimed to position "The Market" as a standout multi-cuisine restaurant known for its live counters, including desserts, pasta, seafood platters, and more, all set against the backdrop of a serene poolside ambiance. Central to our goals was highlighting the restaurant's commitment to a farm-to-fork approach, ensuring the use of the freshest and finest ingredients in every dish.

Content Strategy: Our content strategy revolved around the farm-to-fork concept and Westin's brand ethos. We crafted compelling narratives that emphasized the origins of each ingredient, the culinary expertise behind every dish, and the restaurant's commitment to sustainability and freshness. By weaving these stories into our posts and captions, we aimed to connect with the audience on a deeper level, fostering an appreciation for the culinary craftsmanship at "The Market." Each post was a blend of tantalizing food photography and informative storytelling, inviting the audience to immerse themselves in this unique dining experience.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
We welcome you to The Market. A place for big family brunches, to put your phone away, meet new people, or simply celebrate with contemporary global cuisine, big unforgettable buffets, and signature dishes served with dollops of local love.

#MarketForAll #CelebrateTheMarket #TheMarketAtWestin #WestinPune #KoregaonPark #Pune
Instagram Feed Design: The Instagram feed design for "The Market" Launch Campaign was meticulously crafted to capture the essence of this culinary experience. We adopted a visual strategy that featured fresh, locally sourced ingredients as the heroes of our creatives. Earthy tones, lush greens, and warm browns were seamlessly integrated into a clean and inviting marble-white background. This design approach not only mirrored the farm-to-fork concept but also conveyed a sense of freshness and natural elegance. The visuals aimed to tantalize the senses and evoke a desire for a luxurious dining experience.
The Berry Brunch
Campaign Concept: The "Berry Brunch" Campaign was conceived as an enticing and indulgent experience centered around Sunday brunch specials that celebrated the vibrant world of berries. The concept revolved around offering a delightful spread of dishes, from entrees to desserts, all creatively infused with the essence of fresh and succulent berries. The goal was to create a brunch experience that would appeal to both berry enthusiasts and those looking to explore a unique culinary adventure.

Instagram Visuals: The Instagram visuals for the "Berry Brunch" Campaign were a feast for the eyes. Each post featured a delectable dish, highlighting the use of berries as a central ingredient. The photography emphasized the berry ingredient in each dish, showcasing the intricate combination of flavors and textures. The color palette was rich and inviting, with vibrant reds, purples, and pinks reflecting the berry theme with font colors like blue complementing them. These visuals not only celebrated the culinary creativity behind each dish but also triggered a sensory exploration of flavors, enticing the audience to experience the "Berry Brunch" for themselves.
Our love for berries can know no bounds. Accompanied by fresh berries of all kinds comes a Sunday brunch spread, from entrées to desserts, bursting with flavor.

For reservations, please call us at +91 97654 99600 or +91 83905 34136.

#WestinPune #TheMarketAtWestin #CelebrateTheMarket #MarketForAll #SundayBrunch #KoregaonPark #Pune
For reservations, please call us at +91 97654 99600 or +91 83905 34136.

#WestinPune #TheMarketAtWestin #CelebrateTheMarket #MarketForAll #SundayBrunch #KoregaonPark #Pune
Other Collaterals
Presentation of Dishes and Flavors: To entice the audience, the campaign focused on presenting the berry-themed dishes and their flavors in a visually appealing and mouthwatering manner. Each visual element was carefully crafted to capture the burst of berry goodness in every dish. The photographs showcased the vibrant colors, textures, and freshness of the berries, making them the star of the show. The visuals, undoubtedly, invited the audience to embark on a gastronomic journey that celebrated the versatility and deliciousness of berries.
New rule for The Berry Brunch: eat more berries, eat colorfully, #EatWell.

#WestinPune #TheMarketByWestin #SundayBrunch #CelebrateTheMarket #SundayVibes #KoregaonPark #Pune

The Taste of Odisha
Campaign Purpose: The "Taste of Odisha" Campaign was designed to celebrate the authentic and diverse cuisine of Odisha at the Kangan restaurant. The primary purpose of this campaign was to offer an immersive dining experience that allowed patrons to savor the rich flavors and cultural heritage of Odisha. It aimed to introduce guests to the lesser-explored culinary treasures of the region and create an atmosphere that transported them to the heart of Odisha.

Integration of Odisha's Culture and Culinary Traditions: To ensure an authentic and immersive experience, we integrated Odisha's culture, folklore, and culinary traditions into the heart of our marketing creatives. Each visual element featured in our Instagram feed was carefully curated to reflect the vibrant culture and significance of Odisha's cuisine.
Captions (From Right to Left):
As the intricate details found on handcrafted souvenirs in Odisha, our à la carte spread at #Kangan celebrates The Taste of Odisha.

Bamboo Chicken - Marinated chicken stuffed inside a bamboo stalk. Reserve a table at #Kangan and indulge in a variety of delectable creations by Executive Chef Amit Dash.

Like a poetry engraved on the walls of Konark Sun Temple, the stone wheels are a legend known to the world. At #Kangan, we bring you a little piece of heritage with Odisha’s traditional food.

#WestinPune #FestiveFlavors #TheTasteOfOdisha #KonarkSunTemple #OdishaTourism #Pune
Other Collaterals
The Exotic Oriental Menu
Campaign Objectives and Strategy: The launch of the Oriental menu aimed to introduce an exciting culinary offering to Westin Pune's patrons. The objectives were to create buzz around the new menu and attract food enthusiasts seeking exotic flavors. Our strategy involved a multi-faceted approach that emphasized the menu's authenticity and bold flavors. We aimed to transport guests to the heart of Oriental cuisine through enticing visuals and storytelling.

Creative Elements: To capture the essence of the Oriental menu, our creative elements embraced a teal-colored palette that evoked a sense of exoticism. We utilized flat lays of ingredients, skillfully arranging them to showcase the freshness and diversity of Oriental flavors. These flat lays not only presented the components of each dish but also provided a visual journey through the menu's ingredients. Every visual portrayed the rich flavors and bold aromas that awaited diners, creating a sensory experience through imagery.
Berry Burst
Campaign Goals: The "Berry Burst" Campaign was designed to celebrate love and friendship during the month of February. Our goals included creating an inviting and romantic ambiance at Daily Treats, enticing patrons with a delectable array of berry-infused desserts and mocktails. We sought to evoke feelings of warmth and togetherness, making Daily Treats the perfect destination for couples and friends to indulge in a memorable café experience.

Featuring Berry-Infused Delights: The campaign's central focus was on featuring mouth-watering berry-infused desserts and high-quality single-origin coffees and mocktails. The visuals showcased these delights in all their glory, from luscious berry desserts to rich and aromatic coffees and mocktails. Each image was carefully composed to accentuate the colors, textures, and presentation of these treats, making them irresistible to the audience.
Other Collaterals
Berry season is upon us and a well-balanced dose of desserts will bring joy to your life. Join us at #DailyTreats for a mouthwatering rendition of desserts, mocktails, and single-origin coffees.

#WestinPune #BerryBurst #Desserts #KoregaonPark #Pune

Social Media Posts: Where Compelling Content Meets Instagram Aesthetics
Using the brand colours, pictures and pillars, this feed was designed to reiterate the brand's ethos and connect with the audience.
Moment Marketing
Thanksgiving Campaign
Immerse yourself in a delicious Thanksgiving experience surrounded by family and friends, where you can relish all the traditional treats of the holiday.

#ThanksgivingDinner #WestinPune #KoregaonPark #Pune
Mastering the art of cuisine isn't easy, but these artists sure know how to work the magic!

#WestinPune #TheArtVsTheArtist #ChefAppreciation #Trending #ArtVsArtist  #KoregaonPark #Pune
Facebook & Instagram Stories
Print Collaterals: Menu Cards
Print Collaterals: Hoardings
Facebook Covers
The Cocktail Video
The Westin Pune


The Westin Pune
