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God of Moe lucky envelope

"God of Moe" Lucky Envelope
To welcome the year of the Cat in Viet Nam (In China is The Rabit), I made myself a lucky envelope series Phúc - Lộc - Thọ - Táo Quân - Phật. Each one represents a famous, iconic God in Viet Nam every spring come. During The Tet holiday, we always have a cult of worshiping those Gods.
Below is a digital verson and RISO printing verson
Phúc - The Gods represent for Happiness: This GosHappiness is associated with the image of children and grandchildren
Lộc - The Gods represent for Wealth: This Gos is associated with the image of gold, money around.
Thọ - The Gods represent for Longevity: This Gos is associated with the image of an old man, with a long beard, carrying his cane with a bottle gourd hanging on.
Táo quân: This Gos lives in our kitchen, representing every family gathering meal. And before Tet holiday each year, he drives a carp back to the sky and reports to Ngọc Hoàng (The King of Gods)
Phật - Buddha:
Each God comes with a different pattern: water - gold/money - lotus - cloud - lotus that I think suits their spirit. And all of them is Vietnamese ancient pattern.

As you can see, they seem to not doing their job well, Happiness isn't happy, Wealth isn't a hard-working God, Longevity seems so tired, Tao Quan is so crazy ( who knows what he is going to report), and Buddha looks cunning, he seems to like taking all the money from Lo To ( a game we play on Tet). Why do I want to draw them completely different from their spirit. I want you shake off the pretense and return to being yourself, confidently showing off your persionality, don't let people stick the label on you.
God of Moe lucky envelope

God of Moe lucky envelope
