Julia Feltham's profile

Mavericks for Social Change

Mavericks for Social Change
Because of meeting lovely Jamie Arron, I got involved with Mavericks for Social Change. In addition to running and creating the Coop Connections program for High Schools, I also helped run PeaceJam in junior Highs, SchoolArts in elementary schools in Halifax, ran events and workshops with Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Development, Dalhouise's Launch Point & Brains for Change, Mount Saint Vincent University's Peace Conference and helped run Halifax City Hall events. In many ways, this is where my passion for helping people became the addiction of a pragmatic optimist.
A project a lovely student did for Launch Point, an event I got involved with through Mavericks and Jamie Arron.
An interview with Haligonia.ca with lovely Luke Murphy, who biked from Yarmouth to Halifax to raise money for the IWK with a lil' support from Mavericks.
At "Act Out" -- a Youthscape (one of our funders) event
A poster for a project that a student started, using our funding to make a socially conscious cd of local artists.
Mayor Kelly saying good morning to kick of Launch Point
Chief Economist for Greater Halifax Partnership talking to Dalhousie Students about the Convention Centre in Halifax City Hall.
Mavericks for Social Change


Mavericks for Social Change

With Mavericks and with working with education systems, I got addicted to making the world a better place.
