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Rekorderlig Cider, concept Passport to Sweden campaign

This was a brief set by Saatchi & Saatchi, which was based on concept ideas. The task was to bring Rekordelig cider to students for them to reserve a special place for Rekorderlig in their drinks repertoire. While Rekorderlig originated from Sweden the task was to target UK students. The required idea was to deliver a beautifully Swedish experience both online and offline to share with friends.
Passport to Sweden is an umbrella concept used to access the core idea.
It’s a fact that in Sweden everyone takes their shoes off when they go into the house and they love socks! So the core idea that has developed fits in with whenever you take your shoes off with friends you drink Rekorderlig! 
The idea comes from 20 things to know before moving to Sweden “Swedes love their socks!”
#12 Take off your shoes!
You’ll quickly notice that shoes are taken off when entering private residences in Sweden. Swedes spend a lot of time outdoors during winter and are prone to dragging in dirt, also it’s a sign of respect.  The core idea of the campaign is  'whenever you take your shoes off with friends you drink Rekorderlig!' 
Scamp of advert
The advert running alongside the campaign picks up on the sock theme with the idea that whenever you take your shoes off with friends it’s good to drink Rekorderlig, coining the phrase ‘What do you do when you put your feet up?’
The advert starts with a walk back from snowboarding and a snowball fight and ends up inside with feet up drinking Rekorderlig.
The campaign will start online with Rekorderlig Facebook posts and tweets on Twitter talking about the up coming sock party events and launching the app – We Love Socks. There will be targeted Facebook ads for university students in the age range, which will advertise the Rekorderlig sock app, where users can design socks with a link to the Rekorderlig website to share designs. 
We Love Socks App
The hashtag #PassportToSweden is to post content for the competition and the winners will have their socks made-up for free.
The campaign will host sock parties across universities and students will be encouraged to find or make the craziest socks to wear, with competitions to win Rekorderlig accessories and ultimately a trip to Sweden by posting photographs from the Rekorderlig Sock parties to #PassportToSweden.
Posters placed  around and about university campuses and on Facebook will advertise the upcoming Sock Party events. They can potentially be seen on buses and trains that students will be using often for university. 
scamp for poster
Students will receive information through Freshers packs in the form of a credit card sized Passport To Sweden, packaged together with a miniature Rekorderlig sock. Information will appear on social media so extra passports can be printed off for events along with dates for the Rekorderlig Sock parties.
credit card sized Passport To Sweden- scamp
Mood board for sock parties 
Bottles could be presented at Christmas and sold in socks. - Point of sale 
Rekorderlig Cider, concept Passport to Sweden campaign

Rekorderlig Cider, concept Passport to Sweden campaign

This was a brief set by Saatchi & Saatchi, which was based on concept ideas. The task was to bring Rekordelig cider to students attention and to Read More
