M Anees's profile

Time | Digital Art


The principle that guided human lives since the dawn of Creation. The concept that made us quantify our lives into portions known as past, present and future. But what really is Time? Is it the unified soul of the universe? Maybe the singularity of consiousness? or even GOD Himself?

Time is "Kala" the endless cyclic motion of matter according to Hinduism. Time is our prison, feeding us "Dukkha" (suffering) is one of the 4 nobel truths of Buddhism. While Rumi states that "A Sufi is the son of Time Present" not bounded by past and future. Escaping the cyclic motion of time makes one Enlightened in Hindu and Buddhist doctrines.

By analyzing human history, one can make this statement that "Time is an Illusion, a mere creation of human". It was supposed to assist, not scare us. It was not meant to be the cause of depression and anxiety.

Time is just an illusion that flows - from Past to Future - through Present, forming one majestic and magnificent Infinity. While this Moment (Present) is the point of convergence of Past and Future, making "Now" the Eternal, the Ultimate Truth where even the Infinity is so infinite that it Annihilates in itself.

Love and peace 🖤.
Time | Digital Art


Time | Digital Art
