Design a Business Card - Typography
Professional Business Card for a graphic designer
The personal information on the card is not real, the address, phone numbers etc. are all made up, do not try to contact me there. 
Image by Vectonauta on Freepik
The assignment asked us to design a personal business card. I am studying graphic design, so I decided to work on a business card for myself as a graphic designer. 

The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to use typography in both a decorative and informative way. We had to use the letters of our name as creative design elements.

The information on the business card should be informative, organized, and complete.
I wanted the card to represent my fun, creative personality and that is why I decided to make some of the text loop around the card, as a fun, unexpected element! 

A few specifications for this assignment were:
*Use your name or letters from your name as a major design element.
*Font variations such as regular, italic, or bold, are encouraged.
*Size is 3.5 × 2 inches.
*Tall or wide.
*Business card front must contain: Must contain a personal name, title, street address, two phone numbers (home, office, cell, fax,. you choose), email, at least one social link, and web address.
*2–3 colors spot colors.
Design Concepts
Color Concepts
Style Guide
Business Card


Business Card
