beanfun!「be here for fun!」



beanfun! APP 為 Gamania 集團品牌產品,以多點串聯數位生活建構 Gamania 泛娛樂生活圈影響力。谷汩文化製作以「青春、洗腦、惡搞」為關鍵字的停格拍攝影片,透過三段劇情呈現「遊戲感、團體感、競賽感」,在 beanfun! 裡各式各樣的內容都能找到同好並獲得關注!

The beanfun! app is a brand product of Gamania Group, which uses multi-point connections to build the influence of Gamania's entertainment life circle in digital life. Group.G creates stop-motion videos with the keywords "youth, brainwashing, and spoofing," presenting three plots that convey a sense of "gaming, teamwork, and competition." In beanfun!, a variety of content can be found, allowing users to connect with like-minded individuals and gain attention.








█  遊戲橘子 beanfun! APP 廣告影片
Client|遊戲橘子數位科技 Gamania Digital Entertainment
Production Company|谷汩文化 Group.G
Director|林思翰 Hans Lin
Project Director|蕭晨尉 Devin Hsiao
Project Manager|陳彥云 Emily、董文禹 Bonnie Dong
Storyboard|籃可芸 Kathy Lan
Design|賴祖寧 Ning Lai
Stop Motion Team|Counter656
Motion Design|楊佳霖 Charlie Yang
Music & Sound Production | 感知音樂 Sense Music Studio
Original Music & Sound Design & Sound Mixing | 黎智軒 Derek Lai
Voice | 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T. 、 黃裕庭 Yu-Ting Huang

beanfun!「be here for fun!」