Collage Moodboard

Moodboard made with snippets from magazines and other materials inspired by the following words: sensual, eccentric, calm, aggressive (top, from left to right), fun, mysterious, classic and modern (bottom, from left to right) .
Science Event Poster

Designing of a poster for a science festival, the European Researchers' Night, using vectors extracted from photographs of past editions of that exact event. Here the mains elements represent Pasteur's pipettes, a laboratory material widely used by scientists.
Flyer inspired by a designer 

This was a work inspired by some of the incredible designs of Matthew Leibowitz. The flyer was made to publicize an exhibition about this north-American designer.
Photo Restoration 

An old and damaged photo was restored and coloured using Adobe Photoshop.
Children's Lettering 

The letter d designed within the concept of an amusement park. The letter d was made in lowercase cursive style, inspired on the shape of a roller coaster loop.
School Work


School Work
