Katie Bush's profile

Bag People: VBL Analysis and Application

OSU Design Students are tasked with designing bags based on personalities in the design department.  Students will interview their selected person to gain insight into their needs and unique traits. This information will provide elements that can be translated into a “Visual Brand Language” that will help in creating the bags.
I chose to design a bag based off of the Visual Brand Language of Sebastien Proulx, an Associate Professor of Design, Coordinator for the Industrial Design major and Co-Director of the DESIS Lab at The Ohio State University.
Mood Board to identify traits, colors, features, and overall aesthetic of Dr. Proulx
VBL Identity for Dr. Sebastien Proulx:
-Black/white base color
-Simple form
-Soft edges
-Small hint of color
-Bright, neon palette
-Scandanavian Design
-Gold, leather,
-High quality material
Existing reference images for bag form, material, and color 
Form Iteration: Base and Handles
Top 6 Base/Form Combinations
Form Iteration: Handles
Final Form
Bag People: VBL Analysis and Application

Bag People: VBL Analysis and Application
