Tradigital Social Ads

In the tradigital social ad assignment, our task was to photograph an item that we use or carry around every day and turn it into a positive, negative, and metaphorical digital ad with a catchy slogan. I started this assignment process by coming up with a list of slogans that would make sense with ideas for different positive, negative, and metaphorical ads. I then sketched 9 different thumbnails for each category and chose the best one from each. When photographing the pack of gum, I made sure to keep in mind the lighting, perspective, and position of the item and how it would develop and look in a digital ad. Some important details that I made sure to keep in mind when constructing these ads were the placement, colors, typography and fonts, slogan, and outside elements to make the ads make sense to the viewers. I really liked this assignment and I felt like I learned a lot about the entire design process and the many elements and techniques that go into a design to solidify the process and message
Metaphorical Ad
Negative Ad
Positive Ad
Positive Thumbnails
Negative Thumbnails
Metaphorical Thumbnails
Tradigital Ads

Tradigital Ads
